Make sure that the 'Controller is Plugged in' and 'Memory Pak is plugged in' options are ticked. Click on Options like the above Picture shows and then click on Configure Controller Plugin. I have put together some controler files for you to enjoy normal.cpf is what i use with most games f-zero.cpf is exactly the same but the L and Z buttons are swapped around so its easier to do the strafing thing (dont know what they call it) and its probably also good for Lylat Wars (Star Fox 64) and some other games. For this to work, you must have either a hard-wired Xbox 360. This wikiHow teaches you how to set up an Xbox 360 controller for use with the Project64 emulator program on a Windows computer. How to Set Up a Xbox 360 Controller on Project64. › ∎ Rhys Hearn Dependency Assessment Tool ∎